Wellington Park
Wellington Park
Wellington Park Management Trust
Looming large over the city, Mount Wellington/kunanyi has long-occupied a central place in the landscape of Hobart and its unique sense of place. Created in 1993, Wellington Park is one of Tasmania’s most-visited destinations and a highly visible features of life in Southern Tasmania. Spread across 18,250 hectares, the Park encompasses a wealth of values of national importance.
Inspiring Place is proud to have provided planning and management advise to the Trust since the Park’s inception in 1993 including work on such projects as:
the Wellington Park Management Plan 1995 including the supporting Values, Use and Management Inventory;
the Wellington Park Bike Strategy 2005;
site master plans for the Pinnacle (2001), Myrtle Forest Park (2004) and the Springs Zone (2007 and 2017);
the Wellington Park Landscape and Visual Character and Quality Assessment 2011; and
the Fern Tree Park Master Plan (2014) and later design services for the park which is currently under construction (2019).
Inspiring Place have been lead consultants for each of these projects, drawing together skilled specialists where required to ensure that the values of the Park are protected whilst its tourism and recreation opportunities are enhanced.
Our original work in 1995 represented a ground breaking approach to values driven management and continues to under-pin the care of the Park today. Our knowledge and personal experiences of the Park have given the Trust’s management team the confidence to seek our advice on a regular basis - a role we relish given our appreciation of the importance of this place to the community and in our daily lives.
Further reading: landscapeaustralia.com/articles/framing-the-genius-loci-mount-wellington/
Photography: Jordan Davis