24 Carrot Gardens
24 Carrot Gardens
Healthy, affordable and safe food is vital for good health and wellbeing. In Tasmania, low-income households are most at risk of poor health, in part because of their poor-quality diet. Understanding this, Mona set out through its 24 Carrot Garden program to work with schools and school-aged children to promote good nutrition and sustainability by teaching students how to grow, harvest and cook healthy produce; how to manage and conserve natural resources; and, how to reduce the environmental impact of waste and emissions.
Since 2014, nearly 30 schools have come to participate in the program, each with a garden designed by a landscape architect or others who work with the kids to survey garden sites and design and document the garden layout. In recent years, Inspiring Place have assisted the 24 Carrot program with the design of 5 gardens as part of our pro-bono commitment to Tasmania’s future. In each project we’ve encouraged a student led design process through interactive workshops. The resulting concepts draw upon the unique qualities of their setting, with a key focus on inclusive, productive and calming spaces to educate and engage students in an inspiring environment.
Project Recognition
We’re proud to putting the science and art of our practice to a meaningful project that is fostering lifelong learning, creativity, good health and environmental stewardship in Tasmania’s future leaders. To date, our work has been well received and supported by school staff and students – one project manager saying, “We love working with you guys”. High praise indeed.
Photography: Courtesy of 24 Carrot Gardens