Hydro Tasmania
Hydro Tasmania
Hydro Tasmania
An organisation that prides itself on its commitment to sustainability requires a headquarters that reflects its values. At Cambridge, Hydro Tasmania sought just such an outcome. Indeed, they realised the first 5-Star Green Star rated office building in Tasmania in part off the back of Inspiring Place’s contributions to the landscape - a ‘wild exterior’ of locally native species and a ‘cultured core’ of three internal courtyards, the latter each addressing a different design program (activity, reflection and memorial).
The project demonstrates the best principles of placemaking, drawing inspiration from the client’s brief and corporate aspirations and expressing these in a creative and sustainable manner. Water Sensitive Urban Design principles were a key element of the design - including the creation of a ‘mini-wetland’ stormwater retention and filtration system.
2009 Project Award for Design, Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (Tasmania) with a Special Citation for Innovation.
Photography: Jonathan Wherrit